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Glorieta Membership

We welcome everyone who wants to come and worship Jesus with us and study His Word at Glorieta.  We pray diligently that God will draw many people to Himself through the members and ministry of our church.  Every worship service at Glorieta has both guests and members alike.  

As Baptist people, we believe a New Testament church is a local autonomous congregation of baptized believers, voluntarily united by covenant, governed by His Word, for the purpose of glorifying God and advancing the mission of God.  

If you have made a public profession of your faith in Jesus for salvation and have followed Him in believers baptism by immersion, and if you believe God is calling you to become a member of Glorieta, we would love to talk to you further about membership.  Please reach out to us regarding becoming a member of Glorieta Baptist Church at followingjesus@glorietabc.com. 

Here is the covenant Glorieta members have enthusiastically made with one another.  These are the commitments we strive to live by.


Glorieta Baptist Church Member Covenant

Having been led by the Spirit of God to repent and believe in Jesus Christ for our salvation and to follow him as our Lord, and having been baptized by immersion upon our profession of faith in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now, relying wholly on the enablement of His strength, enter solemnly and joyfully into this covenant with the members that make up the body of Christ at Glorieta Baptist Church.

We will work and pray for the unity of the Spirit, living peaceably with all within the body of Christ at Glorieta as far as it depends on us. We will walk together in brotherly love as Christ commands and affectionately care for one another. We will watch over one another and faithfully admonish and earnestly plead with one another as occasion may require aiding in overcoming the lure and grip of sin. We will be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to take offense. We will not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, nor neglect to pray for one another and for others. We will aid one another in sickness and distress. We will rejoice in one another's happiness and bear one another’s burdens and sorrows.

We will follow the biblical model for the family regarding husbands and wives, and parents and children. We will endeavor to lead those under our care in the training and instruction of the Lord. We will labor to live as missionaries, sharing the Gospel liberally with every opportunity, utilizing our homes as mission outposts, and going to whomever God may send us any time that He asks, wherever that may be.

We will cooperate to promote and sustain the worship, ordinances, discipline, and doctrines of the church. We will actively use our spiritual gifts and talents in service of the Lord through the ministries of the church. We will obediently, cheerfully, and faithfully contribute tithes and offerings to the Lord in support of the expenses of the church, the needs of our neighbors, and the spread of the Gospel to all nations.

We will strive to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the world, denying ungodliness and worldly passions, and remembering that, as we have been symbolically buried and resurrected in baptism, we have an obligation to live a new and holy life.

We will, when God leads us from this place, unite with some other church as soon as possible where we can continue to worship the triune God in spirit and in truth, and to labor in the mission of God.